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    Health & safety

    Why it is important:

    We are committed to extraordinary places being safe places. With more that 525 million customers visiting a Westfield shopping centre in 2016, our assets must be designed to operate safely. Our Design and Construction (D&C) business unit is the highest safety risk area. Mental health is a major social issue that has the potential to significantly impact the livelihood of our staff and therefore has become a key part of our health and safety agenda.

    Our engagement with stakeholders:

    All employees undertake a fundamental safety training module and specific functions in centres, and on construction sites are engaged in tailored and relevant safety training and workshops. On construction sites, both Scentre Group staff and contractors are exposed to our new ‘5-in, 5-out’ safety sign campaign as well as site toolbox meetings where they can share ideas, identified risks or opportunities. We engage regularly with construction contractors on safety and include key performance indicators in contracts. We openly discuss centre safety matters in forums with cleaning contractors. Site toolbox talks are held in centres to discuss safety policies and procedures with employees and contractors. Our Mental Health and Wellbeing program engages employees through awareness, support, partnerships, prevention and recovery. We partner with the Black Dog Institute and Mates in Construction to gain access to their expertise.

    Our management approach:

    Objectives: Continue implementing the LifeSafety cultural change program; and maintain our standards accreditation of the existing WHS management system.

    Management: The Audit and Risk Committee is established by the Board to review and oversee management compliance with risk management policies and procedures, the adequacy of internal controls and the Group’s legal compliance. The Group Risk function is responsible for developing and setting up the Health and Safety strategy at corporate level. The WHS Committee was tasked to develop a clear path to align our Design and Construction WHS attitudes and behaviours towards a more generative culture. In 2016 we have appointed a National Risk and Security Manager to develop relevant frameworks in the operating centres to adequately address health and safety risks in collaboration with our asset teams. WHS accountabilities and responsibilities are identified in job descriptions to ensure personal accountabilities are clarified for all staff.

    Measurement: We measure our health and safety performance through various leading and lagging performance indicators, including WHS cultural alignment survey results, training hours and lost time injuries and near miss incidents.

     Our 2016 results:
    • Formed a Strategic WHS Committee for Design and Construction projects and construction sites
    • Ran WHS alignment training and workshops for senior corporate and Design and Construction leaders
    • Trialled Wellbeing Program at North Lakes construction site
    • Became partners with Mates in Construction (accredited) and the Black Dog Institute
    • Developed and implemented a new Electrical Hazard Identification procedure and training
    Our future programs and initiatives:
    • Continue the rollout of our WHS strategy
    • Share and communicate learning from 2016 strategic initiatives
    • Continue rollout of WHS corporate alignment training and workshops