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    We are in the world’s top 5% for employee engagement


    Our first ever employee engagement survey returned an 85% favourable engagement score. That placed us in the top 5% of organisations globally.

    “I’m so proud of our engagement score. It tells us that the majority of our people are committed to playing an active role in what we’re trying to achieve as a company.”

    - Peter Allen, CEO, Scentre Group.

    Strengths and improvements

    Particular areas of strength were our people’s alignment to, and understanding of: the organisation’s DNA; strong team collaboration; great support for our Diversity and Inclusion policies; our workplace flexibility focus; and high levels of respect from people managers.

    Although these results are considered best practice, feedback also highlighted that 12% are non-committal and 3% are not feeling engaged. We have analysed 4,300 comments to identify common themes, issues and opportunities for improvement over the next year.

    “My goal is to lead an organisation that has no barriers to engagement.”

    – Peter Allen, CEO, Scentre Group.