Active transport – walking and cycling – as a means of improving traffic conditions is a high priority at Westfield Albany in Auckland.
Families step up to the challenge in the STEP Albany Scavenger Hunt at Westfield Albany, New Zealand.
Together with Harbour Sport, Auckland Transport and Green Prescription, Westfield Albany hosted programs that promoted walking in the local community. Walking, as opposed to relying on a car to get around, improves community health and reduces traffic.
During the April school holidays, the STEP Albany Scavenger Hunt took place within the centre. Participants hunted for answers to clues hidden throughout the shopping centre to increase their step count. The activity had 293 registrations and around 320,000 steps were made during the scavenger hunt, with individuals averaging 2,000-3,000 steps each over the hour-long course.
Over two months during winter, Westfield Albany hosted the Pedometer Challenge, with pedometers provided by Auckland Transport. Shoppers were asked to consider walking a short distance to the centre, rather than driving. Participants included families and over the course of 11 mall visits, roughly 1,500 people were engaged in the program.