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    Scentre Group launches Domestic Violence Policy


    More than 800,000 women in the workforce across Australia and New Zealand are impacted by domestic and family violence each year. It is a major social issue impacting our communities and for many of those 800,000 women, their only refuge is their place of work.

    “I recently met 2015 Australian of the Year, Rosemary Batty, and her horrific story had a profound impact on me. As a Male Champion of Change, I feel compelled to act within my sphere of influence to support efforts to prevent domestic and family violence.”

    – Peter Allen, CEO, Scentre Group.

    Domestic Violence policy

    While we recognise that domestic and family violence impacts men and women, it is women who are disproportionally affected. For Scentre Group to champion issues of gender diversity, we need to address issues of violence against women. We are committed to creating a safe and secure workplace where everyone is comfortable to speak out about what’s troubling them and bring their whole self to work. It is a major part of our Diversity and Inclusion strategy.

    The launch of our Domestic Violence policy on White Ribbon Day begins our journey to create a more gender equal workplace, and a community free from domestic violence. The introduction of our policy is about ensuring there is a framework of support for anyone dealing with domestic or family violence, directly or indirectly. As leaders, managers and colleagues, we can make a difference. We want everyone in our business to know that if they are impacted by domestic or family violence, we are here to help. Our managers have been issued with guidelines in understanding the issues, how to respond and how to engage the appropriate help.

    Support is provided to those who are impacted on a case-by-case basis and can include: flexible work arrangements, relocation to suitable employment within the workplace, additional Employee Assistance Program support sessions for the employee and affected family members, access to legal assistance, funds for emergency or temporary housing, financial advice for financial independence and medical support.